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Danny Foster

Datum der Prognose

17 June 2021


Danny Foster




Danny Foster & Architecture



Relevant für Branchen

Relevant für Technologien & Trends

Über die Expert:in

Daniel Keith “Danny” Forster is an American designer, television host, film and television producer, director, professor, and speaker based in New York City. He is best known as the host of the Science Channel series “Build It Bigger”, as well as the creator and executive producer of the Emmy-winning “Rising: Rebuilding Grounds Zero”.



He arguments that virtual design construction, the digital twin or enhanced in BIM, all of tem means there are less mistakes, but it doesn't change the players necessarily and there will still be a general contractor bidding to a subcontractor. He thinks that all the challenges that exist, for the most part have direct negative financial implications on those who are doing the work. In his opinion, it is absolutely untenable how much material waste happens on a project. Moving that into a sane, sober, controlled manufacturing setting will have some incremental and potentially significant improvement on material waste.


He thinks that building in any major metropolis in the next years will have a greater reliance on various degrees of offsite prefabrication, hoping that less is being built, and more being assembled. He sees with excitement that prefabricated modular future will allow that the building of the future is more innovative and with the years better design ideas will come. He sees the process of the vertical city and the chaos that it brings, being simplified. In his opinion construction will remain, even in 15 years from now, a local, craft-based endeavour. However, he thinks that the future state will enable these local, perhaps smaller entities to do their job better.


He foresees that construction will remain in the upcoming years a local, craft-based endeavour, and the future will enable the local and maybe smaller entities to do their job better and to be enabled by a lot of these innovations, whether it's a software, a process, or an alternative business model. He thinks that the leveraging of AI and machine learning to be able to iterate quickly and arrive at solutions more expeditiously is a good thing, but whilst in some areas pure data driven approach can find a solution, there are other areas where AI is not necessarily as effective. In his own words: “I think the future is now and we just need to have some progressive collaborative dialogues to make it happen”.

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