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Dr. Shimrit Tzur-David

Datum der Prognose

05 June 2019


Dr. Shimrit Tzur-David


CTO & Co-Founder


Secret Double Octopus


Cybersecurity-Companies, Crypto-Currencies

Relevant für Branchen

Relevant für Technologien & Trends

Über die Expert:in

Dr. Shimrit Tzur-David holds an MSc and PhD from the Hebrew University in Computer Science. Her research areas primarily focused on PKI, cryptography, anomaly detection, web attacks, DDoS and intrusion detection and prevention systems. During her PhD, she was a consultant for Check Point and Marvell Semiconductor, where she designed an intrusion detection system product.



She explains that our current encryption protocol is based on a system that is not sustainable in the world of quantum computing, and we need a new technology that protects our data in the long term. Their authentication is based on an application and a server, and all the information that goes between these two is secured with quantum-safe secret sharing.


In the future, she explains, we need a more robust system not based in deterministic math.


She explains that their authentication solution is based on an application and a server, so all the information that goes between the application and the server is secured with secret sharing, which is quantum-safe.

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