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Arte Merritt

Datum der Prognose

08 May 2023


Arte Merritt


Co-Founder and CEO




Interbotkommunikation, Spracherkennung/ Voice User Interfaces,

Relevant für Branchen

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Über die Expert:in

Arte has more than 20 years of professional experience doing analytics, and more than eleven years of mobile experience working with companies like Motally, Yahoo Mobile, Helio, Vettro and a wide variety of mobile startups.

A serial entrepreneur, he was the co-founder and CEO of Dashbot, a leading analytics platform for conversational interfaces which he led to 20,000 customers, 90 billion messages processed, and multiple acquisition offers. He is a frequent author and speaker in the conversational AI space.
Previously he founded Motally, a mobile analytics platform he sold to Nokia.
He is an MIT alum.



As he explains, analytics comes into play to understand why do people ask what they are actually asking, and other questions related the respond of the chat and whether it satisfies the customer or not. As he explains, it all comes back to customer satisfaction. Having the focus on the conversational aspects of the chat, goal-tracking was also one of the prominent features of the chatbot system they designed.


He believes that hyperpersonalization, the better understanding of context, and the proactive component, as well as the technology that will keep getting better, are the key aspects for the future of conversational AI.


He foresees that as we get more in the future, and this especially with these predictive models, understanding the context and the proactive approach, the customer support will die down because there is more proactive activity happening to resolve the issues.

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